Health Canada a mess

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The weight of exclusions

The population view adapted in health care reform, undermines the protection of the poor, women, minorities and all protected groups as defined in the human rights code. The prevalence of disease and mortality figures demonstrated in epidemiology studies are significantly more predominant among some groups than others this will undeniably lead to discrimination. The process can not avoid it, when communities and cultures are ignored. It is too easy to target any group in defining what is normal.
The risk in forming such policies are not very difficult to imagine.

Hitler once proved this concept utilizing the same epidemiology process to sustain what he deemed as moral or acceptable behavior. The Galton Institute formerly the eugenics society is today front and center in the creation of HIA health interventions as partners in the World Health Organization. This process should be taken as a threat to national security and human health risk as the Death camps in Germany clearly demonstrated.

Support will inflict the hateful messages upon these groups Messages also include disparities among women and the unique circumstances of women’s health issues. Hateful messages being promoted at a website in Ontario called "stupid" or a health minister in Quebec who states smokers have no right to speak, because they are under the influence? Drawing indignity and segregation; not to an industry or an addiction but to people who smoke, is the height of ignorance. This will have effects which will impact us all in unavoidable negative ways.

If Public Health care is to advance in an ethical inclusive environment, actions should include the opinions of the segment of our society whom the actions will predominantly effect. No roof or walls in hateful government actions, the refusal of physicians to treat them, even more incredibly the cheering for discrimination in Parental rights, housing, employment and pricing of services for sale are inexcusable. Certainly not in keeping with human rights initiatives. A unique approach to the treatment of addiction and not deserving of the past achievements of civil society The level of substantiating proof and it’s sources outside the Government research initiatives draws the government into the realm of suspicion and ill repute. To claim smokers do not have human rights protection as a group undermines the fact they should be protected as individuals which Government seeks to by it's actions to increase the health risk to these individuals identified as a group with a single word.,,21015834-27197,00.html

These issues need careful examination and discussion in an unbiased representative format, free of those who are paid to lobby and will be enriched, at the expense of those they impose their hateful campaigns upon.Democratic government has failed in its mandate to serve "all" in being led by the opinions of a small group of focused extremists, who have never represented the public, denormalization strategies seek only to change. If conformity is the target how can we say anyone in society is represented. If we can be viewed by Government as imperfect, demanding alteration to suit the wishes of the bureaucracy, purchasing politics with the public purse There are no checks and balances of these targeting groups who answer to no one. Privilege will have it's rewards as the media is controlled and the public through it, never being allowed, as is their right to see the whole story in making health related decisions. They will be allowed what a small group dictates they will see, the product of selective reading and exaggeration of risk, which normally is of little concern. Perhaps that opinion of imperfection and a mandate for change should be decided by an election and measure the mandate for coercive societal change.


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