Health Canada a mess

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Examination of the facts

Public Health, selling Social Marketing, by consensus based all their arguments entirely in fraud.

A campaign so corrupted in every respect is already doomed to fail. The campaign of dehumanization, to evolve real people to a disease classification for treatment fails all moral boundaries. As we take ownership of others health determinants, we further take on an inescapable responsibility if any harm results. The propagated reality which is able to make the public fear or think less of those who smoke, is promoting that same harm of the smokers themselves, reducing any ability to form the courage it would take to walk away from an addiction. Reinforced with daily reminders of internal weaknesses and flaws diminishes the so called tough love approach to one of emotional abuse.

The cure is now the poison.

The so called “Cannon of proof” in truth is a failure to present any empirical evidence which fall into normal classifications as evidence in both respects of the terms "a priori" and "a posteriori"; absolute or evidential respectively.

“a priori” would be truths derived of reason which can not have an opposite.” a posterior “ would be derived from experience, can have an opposite and require observational evidence to establish facts. An epidemiological study demonstrating an evolution to “a priori” or an indisputable truth or fact is therefore not realistic.

If we look at the basic arguments of time line observation in over fifty years with a stable number of smokers in North America. We observed with population growth an increase of so coined “ smoking related diseases” in all descriptions. We should expect to see a reduction in an inversely associated proportion to all non-smokers added to the mix.

With a reduction of 60% in prevalence we would expect to see a reduction in current population risk in a similar 60% proportion. It is not reasonable to assume in current population if smoking related disease is thought to be resulting 20% of total mortality. The perception being projected in current risk, is in fact only in fact a representative of past risk. When prevalence was higher at over 50% we could not reasonably conclude that more than half of total mortality in 1957 was resultant due to smoking alone. With the same number of smokers today the result has to be the same. The 60% reduction in prevalence also reduced the population risk by 60% at current levels in population view no more than 8% can be reasonably expected in current or future mortality prevalence not the 20% being reported in the media consistently. That would fail only if it were determined prevalence figures were predicted to change.

What has to be understood in staying consistent with the risk theory; in studying groups who obtained disease as a result of smoking in the past we can not maintain a level of risk in the future or currently which does not reflect the reductions in population exposures. Every increase in smoking related disease prevalence “a priori” can be shown to be caused by other common factors which would increase with population when the true number of smokers did not increase.

Public Health is deliberately misguiding the public in presenting smoking as the sole element in an admitted correlation that is “ CO” Relation or association that’s “ also" relation.

“a priori “ what came before and " a posteriori" what came after”

In an “a priori” definition of proof we see from the epidemiological process a possibility of an opposite calculation, so the calculation process can never take on “a priori” truth without a deception of the reviewer. The term “ may be associated” is appropriate to a positive risk indication, as it is also possible no risk exists at all. A theory of the mind alone the product of which is assisted by controversial calculations. entirely of which determinations are guided by human interpretation. The product can not avoid the bias of education and Common belief. Not consistent of “a priori” truth

In the realm of “a posterior” we have to recognize proof is required which would necessitate observational science or applied science to demonstrate a reality of truth from
“A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence that is observable by the senses. It is differentiated from the philosophic usage of empiricism by the use of the adjective "empirical" or the adverb "empirically". Empirical is used in conjunction with both the natural and social sciences, and refers to the use of working hypotheses that are testable using observation or experiment. In this sense of the word, scientific statements are subject to and derived from our experiences or observations.

In a second sense "empirical" in science may be synonymous with "experimental". In this sense, an empirical result is an experimental observation. The term semi-empirical is sometimes used to describe theoretical methods which make use of basic axioms, established scientific laws, and previous experimental results in order to engage in reasoned model building and theoretical inquiry.”

the theoretic calculations of Epidemiological model measuring risk theory is not consistent with a truth derived from experience either, so no real truth is found in epidemiology. No linkage to “a posterior” truth is demonstrated because the applied science, if done at all, finds no consistent proof. If the research study is not tested because the level of Epidemiological calculation is too low to establish reasonable pursuit; the process is incomplete and no proof or truth can reasonably be assumed.

The attempts to bridge the gap through dog whistle politics and compounding non truths to present as a legitimate truth, given credibility by personal station alone is corrupt and unethical. Not deserving of professionals who walk away from science and now take on the role of politician demonstrating a love for bias and predetermined ideology placed above the empirical scientific approach.

“ In philosophy generally, empiricism is a theory of knowledge emphasizing the role of experience in the formation of ideas, while discounting the notion of innate ideas.
In the philosophy of science, empiricism is a theory of knowledge which emphasizes those aspects of scientific knowledge that are closely related to experience, especially as formed through deliberate experimental arrangements. It is a fundamental requirement of scientific method that all hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural world, rather than resting solely on “a priori” reasoning, intuition, or revelation. Hence, science is considered to be methodologically empirical in nature.”

The term "empiricism" has a dual etymology. It comes from the Greek word εμπειρισμός, the Latin translation of which is "experientia" , from which we derive the word experience. It also derives from a more specific classical Greek and Roman usage of empiric, referring to a physician whose skill derives from practical experience as opposed to instruction in theory.
To state the risk of ETS is based in science is the true lie.

The proof of risk associatewd to smoking and the smoke can be seen as a determined effort to defraud, leaving the public with an impression the science is valid, despite the fact it fails in all rules of Integrity, definition and logic.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The weight of exclusions

The population view adapted in health care reform, undermines the protection of the poor, women, minorities and all protected groups as defined in the human rights code. The prevalence of disease and mortality figures demonstrated in epidemiology studies are significantly more predominant among some groups than others this will undeniably lead to discrimination. The process can not avoid it, when communities and cultures are ignored. It is too easy to target any group in defining what is normal.
The risk in forming such policies are not very difficult to imagine.

Hitler once proved this concept utilizing the same epidemiology process to sustain what he deemed as moral or acceptable behavior. The Galton Institute formerly the eugenics society is today front and center in the creation of HIA health interventions as partners in the World Health Organization. This process should be taken as a threat to national security and human health risk as the Death camps in Germany clearly demonstrated.

Support will inflict the hateful messages upon these groups Messages also include disparities among women and the unique circumstances of women’s health issues. Hateful messages being promoted at a website in Ontario called "stupid" or a health minister in Quebec who states smokers have no right to speak, because they are under the influence? Drawing indignity and segregation; not to an industry or an addiction but to people who smoke, is the height of ignorance. This will have effects which will impact us all in unavoidable negative ways.

If Public Health care is to advance in an ethical inclusive environment, actions should include the opinions of the segment of our society whom the actions will predominantly effect. No roof or walls in hateful government actions, the refusal of physicians to treat them, even more incredibly the cheering for discrimination in Parental rights, housing, employment and pricing of services for sale are inexcusable. Certainly not in keeping with human rights initiatives. A unique approach to the treatment of addiction and not deserving of the past achievements of civil society The level of substantiating proof and it’s sources outside the Government research initiatives draws the government into the realm of suspicion and ill repute. To claim smokers do not have human rights protection as a group undermines the fact they should be protected as individuals which Government seeks to by it's actions to increase the health risk to these individuals identified as a group with a single word.,,21015834-27197,00.html

These issues need careful examination and discussion in an unbiased representative format, free of those who are paid to lobby and will be enriched, at the expense of those they impose their hateful campaigns upon.Democratic government has failed in its mandate to serve "all" in being led by the opinions of a small group of focused extremists, who have never represented the public, denormalization strategies seek only to change. If conformity is the target how can we say anyone in society is represented. If we can be viewed by Government as imperfect, demanding alteration to suit the wishes of the bureaucracy, purchasing politics with the public purse There are no checks and balances of these targeting groups who answer to no one. Privilege will have it's rewards as the media is controlled and the public through it, never being allowed, as is their right to see the whole story in making health related decisions. They will be allowed what a small group dictates they will see, the product of selective reading and exaggeration of risk, which normally is of little concern. Perhaps that opinion of imperfection and a mandate for change should be decided by an election and measure the mandate for coercive societal change.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Phantom smoke fingers from Health Canada

Eugenicists taught us in the early part of the last century an equation we too quickly forgot. When political bias is greater than moral bias the result is an abundance of mortalities. The elegance to health scare reform drew the partners of industry and political power brokers flocking to add their views to the process. The corruption of the process undermined what could have been a pretty good idea, if the consensus view of many with no training to support their opinions were negated. Eugenics is at the forefront once again in promoting population view over interactive communities which are being deliberately ignored. The consensus crowd who are abundantly aware of the advantages this offers in the inspiration of political will are slipping the bonds of ethics in search of protections in plausible deniability to promote political control at the expense of personal freedom. Population views ultimately lead to isolation and undue ethical violations. Biases of lower socioeconomic, gender, race and cultural groups are inevitable as health risks reside primarily defined within categorical groups more predominantly than in others. The authorities of moral turpitude are those of financial and political advantage who judge their own “normal” activities as a marker for excellence in all defined groups.

Doctors throughout their training for the past 50 years have been programmed throughout to believe nothing causes more harm in our environment than tobacco smoking despite the fact as the lobbies confirm less than half of those who smoke will die of smoking related diseases after decades of smoking. Other factors in our environment such as diesel exhaust and radon are largely ignored in support of the benefactors who’s funding of process needs to be protected. The vast majority of those who die in coined smoking related categories die after the age of 70. If taken in perspective the smokers actually in the exception of Lung Cancers which represents less than 1% of all mortality die very close to population averages even within smoking related categories. Within 25% of the population who smoke we see 25% of mortality associated more predominantly to age than to smoking .

The risk of smoking can be seen to be much higher than it truly needs to be in all disease categories and particularly among Lung cancers. The three most popular choices for smoking specific cancers are largely ignored from a standpoint of preventative medicine with the only allowable cure being cessation. Cessation of course would include political purchases of advertisements selling the approved varieties of cessation devices because the makers pay to play. The Who and the CDC know through their own research smoking could carry a lot less risk to smokers. Risk to non smokers as a result of second hand smoke could all but be eliminated with simple regulation. The advances in physical science from the stand point of chemoprevention although significant advancements are known. For over a decade politics has downplayed the health relevant information with the” no safe cigarette” message risk is set in stone to be defended and consistent with political self importance, in protecting the lies of the past and of those to come. God forbid smokers could be led to believe smoking could be safer. It is judged more ethically responsible to allow them to die in exaggerated numbers than allow such a premise. The popularity polls demand it and all who fail to celebrate the victories of industrial lobbies will pay dearly in the campaign of consensus. Health scare professionals made popular by fear and hatred dividing us upon ourselves..

The inadequacies of denormalization promotions by the former Liberal government of Paul Martin in the politicizing of Health Canada should be degusting to the current Government judged by their ethics; promotion of those same principles and expansion of support, defines them as fraudulent and self serving above all else. This government incredibly is more disgusting than the last. Did we not hear a call for change and renewal of ethics in politics? If this is as good as it gets we have some serious problems in the vision of the future or longevity of this country. True Conservative values of the past could never support the politics of tyranny and hate purchased with the pubic purse.

Eugenicists defined those at the top of industry and educational standing to be a result of genetic superiority a superiority which needed to be protected from the influences of non superior genes. The death of 10 million innocents as the result, was the price we paid last time for listening to these amoral despots. After the war because of protections of position and wealth few were punished for their crimes. In Ontario the castration of imbeciles continues to this day without apology to the victims of the past or conscience preventing their victims in the future. For the World Health Organization members to be legally contract bound to the same principles today with little public discussion among the involved populations, we see the potential for, as the pre war Germans found, an awakening one day to realize we are no longer in charge of our own destiny but bound to tyrannical bindings of fear and coercive activities. Unilateralist decries are allotting power to the media dispensing political correctness to keep us docile and in our place. Laws prohibiting free speech. Denouncing a right to assembly for smokers of late that right does not include a roof or walls. They soon may be refused medical treatment and all parental rights to their own children. This is supported by the decries “smokers are not a legal class” which affords the right to ignore their individuals rights in some twisted version of the rules of human rights perspectives. Gyrations from a legal standpoint in political speak as opposed to our civic duty to respect human rights laws and initiatives outside a courthouse out of the respect of our neighbors almost a quarter of the population base. What will they do to torment the obese or the alcoholics while we toy with decriminalization of pot smoking which has a much higher carcinogenic content than tobacco? Hypocrisy abounds in the amoral crusade to make us do as we are told for our own good. Is this an effort to promote health or the popularity and prestige of the tyrants of the new normal. Promotions of the demagoguery of those who currently can afford to be different as defined by wealth and birthright alone?

For your reading pleasure;

The new normal

Purveyors of the new globalist perspective

The Borg alliance; Tobacco Control, The Galtons and David Duke of the Clan working together and building our tomorrow

The sales department dedication to funding
96% of us are exhibiting risk potential and should be dealt with severely with shame taxation for our crimes

Proof they don’t know Jack although they are related to Adolph…

Reinventing the wheel A Likely source of the modern Lieberal Red Book

An ounce of prevention?

Poison is in the dose

Jumping from the 15th floor instead of the 20th

Amoral bias gone wild
Footnote; Pay special attention to the assessments of all toxins reviewed barely an instance is included with no reference to ETS. In assessment of ETS a long list of non definitive statements and cause associations to existence alone, the comprehensive study of all relevant research negates the inclusion of any value of alternatives to smoking bans in risk assessment or regulation of the product safety including the three references above which are down played in process. Incredibly even the assessment of diesel exhaust is blessed with the realization some of the included toxins are also found in ETS, despite the volumes which in fact are many times less and well below safe levels as opposed to the volumes in the much more deadly toxin being discussed and categorized with much less concern, despite the obviously unavoidable community risk. To date has any effort been expended to deal with the problem to the degree a barely significant risk assessment in ETS provides the means for billions in funding of community chaos?

Why Lobbies really focus on children; surveying RWJF and Johnson and Johnson stock market analysis of NRT sales They make great emotional props.

Excluded from the toxins list for obvious reasons

Consider the source

And follow the money

Gomery style investments in Liberal friendly media groups

Lessons in undermining political process and democracies through coercive methodology

Human Rights? Only if we say so

If any of you believe you ever had a choice in smoking ban votes,
The federal government promised to undermine Provincial authority, they even signed a contract
The fix was in bans at all costs were promised, prior to the half Billion dollar brain washing campaigns

Purchasing your fairy tales and making sure everyone believes you

Polar bears are dying of hypothermia? The ice caps are melting?
Global warming could happen, just not today
the wind chill in Resolute is minus 53, go figure…

The skinny on fat pandemonia

More of what they know but choose to ignore

Risk assessment, assessing the discovery process

Neil Coleslaw works advising the Canadian Government in Tobacco smoke issues.
Through his funded Lobby group, Fascists for a smoke free la la land, or something similar
in addition to an embarrassing attempt at a book sale, a third rate fiction piece
which indicates he wants to take over the tobacco industry with government funding.
In the past he spent millions of UN money trying to produce evidence of ETS harm, he left in shame
Undaunted he still pretends he did not understand what he found.
This is the self same opportunist who used a dying woman’s cancer as a tool to sell his wares, on the international stage

Who is being protected and who is believed to be dying?

Shooting the messenger

A little perspective please

Now you see it [For fun can you spot the lie in the first paragraph?]

And now you don’t?
(Researcher Stephen S, Hecht Ph D confirmed recently no carcinogens were found in non smokers exposed to ETS, toenails “the article is incorrect”
[The author to date, refuses to recant the political lie in the article despite being advised of the good Doctor’s honest opinion.]

This article is one of my all time favorites in a proactive as opposed to reactive perspective

Just for laughs a bunch more therapy to get your head straight

Any similarity of despots and trash described to real humans, is purely coincidental. Some names have been chamged to protect me, from any legal onslaught or death threats from the lawyers of the Guilty.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Illegal expendatures of public funds

Many need to read Creighton’s; A State Of Fear, and consider the work of public health of late. Fear is a motivator, if you are a terrorist involved in coercive activities we can expect it, from a government ministry it becomes scandalous. I am ashamed and appalled Health Canada is the source of hate campaigns which promote unwarranted fears and divisions in Canadian society. Second hand smoke, Fat pandemics, Bird flu pandemics, Mad cow disease and global warming all ad agency campaigns purchased to enhance the pockets of stakeholders. Politics purchased with the public purse. The Canadian Government involved shamelessly in what is referred to in the states as pork barrel politics. We are delivered the messages melded into the real news so well hidden we have no way to distinguish; real news from prepared press releases or essentially purchased commercials. Augment the press releases with regular commercials inducing fears in what are termed denormalization campaigns and we turn society upon itself to achieve results favorable to industry goals being promoted with government funds. In response to a scathing audit health Canada was reinvented as an agency of propaganda. Almost half of the budget 220 million of 450 million allotted is now dedicated to ad agency purchases. In addition 500 million dollars was given to deposed MP Allan Rock to create a traveling medicine show exerting federal pressure across the country in promotion of smoking bans at municipal and Provincial levels. The head scientist was replaced by a professor of political science which should speak volumes in itself.

Without a shred of evidence to substantiate any harm derives from second hand smoke .Propaganda is educating us to fear the smoke at any level. A nuisance of sight and smell evolved by controlled consensus into a deadly carcinogen, dangerous at any exposure level irrespective of massive dilutions in outdoor air. The stated cannon of proof is in fact a series of small replicated calculated studies which are now known to be based in flawed data sets, by their own admission anti smoking lobbies attacked the CPS1 and CPS11 studies stating the case and control compared groups were in fact both exposed to second hand smoke [ETS]. The claim is, if a control group were found which was not exposed the associations would be higher which is another misleading statement. In fact the results found in current studies if both groups were exposed would account for results derived of other causes lessening the overall proof ETS is associated with any disease. The revelations of study group deficiencies come in response to the largest study to date which determined the associations of ETS and disease where not sustainable particularly in respect to Heart disease and Cancers. Despite the attacks on the American Cancer Society numbers By both the head of the ACS and prominent leaders of anti smoking lobby architecture determined to discrediting the Enstrom and Kobot research conclusions. We continue to hear paid media statements, letters to the editor and politician astroturfing campaigns distributing false impressions based in their own admitted flawed data. SAMMEC calculations derived the shocking numbers declaring the cost of smoking to society. The figures were derived in the same CPS research groups, in addition to calculations of lost wages 20 years beyond retirement in actuality a cost to smokers and not to society. SAMMEC was actually reinvented to include child mortality figures tearing at our heart strings, declaring SIDS deaths to be caused by smoking despite the science which make this entirely unlikely. SIDS remains to this day as a syndrome meaning; of unknown origin. More likely associated with a sleeping position than any other factor found to date. The one question American Lobbies can not explain is among the baby boomer generation when more than half the population smoked virtually none of whom were not exposed to ETS, how they grew to be the healthiest and longest living generation in world history. This should go to show you can’t believe everything you hear. Most prevalent when Health Canada is concerned.

What is being promoted here by powerful lobby extremists is the sale of addictive nicotine products said to be replacement therapy products [NRT] which carry a lot of risk of their own, in particular heart impairment of otherwise healthy individuals. NRT products, in study after study have been shown to be less than 5% effective however are 100% effective in maintaining and creating addiction. We have to ask ourselves when was the last time children were legally allowed to purchase cigarettes over the counter. In most places a 10 year old child can now not only purchase addictive nicotine gum [in exciting new flavors] but that child will likely be congratulated for their wise decision. Politicians state something needs to be done. Legislators have been taking the easy road for to long, legislating punishment on the victims of smoking is profitable to everyone involved. Regulation of the product seems to be a back of the shelf afterthought despite the mortality benefits all participants know are massive. The CDC and the World Health Organization have tested tobacco products for decades and they are well aware all cigarettes are not created equally. The toxic and carcinogenic content which can and is controlled by the manufacturers varies enormously.. Real physical spectro analysis proves the toxic abilities of tobacco smoke can be easily reduced as much as 98%. By reducing the toxins we reduce the risk the effect and the cost. The huge American tobacco settlements assured the victims would pay the costs of healthcare while maintaining the profits of the tobacco industry. Coincidental to growing a larger addictive nicotine market with the addition of NRT Dollars are being exchanged while we are being turned on each other in hate and fear mongering. NRT is without doubt a gateway drug in every sense of the term, Marketing to children has returned with a vengeance, lead by the creation of a cute cartoon devil, assuring tax levels will never decline nor will the nicotine addicted numbers

Bird flu sold a lot of tama flu stockpiles, despite the fact it is unlikely to ever occur the lower respiratory infection does not pass easily between humans, referred to recently by real scientists as equivalent to catching pneumonia

The American CDC recanted statements of fat pandemics forced by their own researchers to reveal they had exaggerated findings by as much as 26 times what was actually found. Undaunted radical American Lobby CSPI testified at the Romano commission the exaggerated numbers. CSPI went on to create the Pan Canadian strategy which was adapted by the former Liberal government and presented to the world health organization for international use. Most countries rejected the strategy preferring to base health decisions in real science this time around in viewing the risk taken in ETS advocacy inspiring smoking bans world wide. The pan Canadian strategy written by an American lobby group is stranger than fiction. A plan which will attach cigarette style taxation to future deemed “unhealthy foods” while allotting a 300% tax break to advertisers for every dollar spent promoting healthy foods whatever healthy means is not yet defined. In addition CSPIO actually dictated the wording of Ralph Goodale’s bill which passed third reading and was included in his final budget. Recent changes of the height to weight determinant replaced with waist to hip measurements, created millions of overweight and obese individuals with the stroke of a pen. New numbers created where then declared as a recent pandemic of overweight individuals compared to those a decade ago, demanding action.

Recent senate hearings revealed scientists formerly with health Canada were fired and censured for going directly to then Prime Minister Cretien’s office with information being ignored by their own department. They revealed Cretien’s office was advised; mad cow disease can be eliminated by testing cows alive, all cattle can be tested without killing them first. In addition they revealed the practice of administering antibiotics to livestock is making the drugs ineffective to those who consume the meat. Drug resistant biological strains are a myth. We loose the effect of antibiotics by careless use of the drugs.

Global warming enthusiasts fail to explain with the warming effect and increased evaporation levels where the water will go. Real science tells us the clouds produced will block the sun and moderate temperature. Precipitation in rain and snow would bring particulate matter to the earth as nature has cured itself for millions of years. The lobby against reductions of NOX and SOX which are much more dangerous is unbelievable. Said to be a sellout by large environmental groups funded by acid rain producing industries. Carbon emissions of the earth itself are known to be thousands of times higher than man made sources. Real scientists in disgust boycotted the Montreal conference as they were limited in what they were allowed to say in public, much as with smoking debates only the single view would be tolerated.

We do prosecute terrorists, why are the hate and fear promoters within government agencies and participating Non Government organizations [NGOs] not under investigation for terrorist acts, benefiting all participants while societies victims risk and mortality rates continue to rise.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Anti smokers get the figurative finger

News Flash;

George Bush has requested funds from congress to replace the small arms of all soldiers in Iraq with Marlboro's. The joint chiefs agreed unanimously tobacco smoke was not listed as a chemical weapon so no international agreements would be breached. New battle formations will include sitting around a campfire smoking the peace pipe. The results would have insurgents falling over amass clutching their chests and dying of Heart attacks. Victory is absolutely assured The Surgeon General in an announcement yesterday confirmed the effects will be seen within minutes. The mass evacuation of innocent children has begun to avoid the devastating effects. They will be temporarily assigned to re education camps and taught the rules of Pseudo realities as guaranteed in the American constitution. Freedom to act as the rest of the freedom loving democracies in obedience of the morality laws of Rockefeller et al Johnson and Johnson and the Nazi, sorry, Health army of disciples. Bush has announced a press conference to announce; an early end to all hostilities in the middle east is finally within our grasp. Bush was recently accused of breaching International Law by a supreme court Justice.

America becomes a joke on the world stage.

In considering the recent disclosures of the Surgeon General of the United States of America one has to reflect upon what was disclosed. Although the news release and associated sound bites stated clearly the smoking debate is over. The incredible statement of how many non smokers deaths result from the toxic abilities of second hand smoke and primary smoking are revelations worthy of fears and immediate action.

Before we take the next step and the floggings start we have to consider the human test results observed in biological assay to date. The results of which have yet to be disclosed. Many believe human testing is not possible without breaching international law however the testing is already completed and showed no recorded harms which would be co-incidental with the surgeon generals statistical report findings.

The fanatical groups inspiring smoking bans internationally mention the nicotine stained fingers of smokers all the time, however fail to report the level of cancerous fingers of smokers being amputated as a result of the sedimentary buildup. A buildup consistent with or exceeding previous lab rat exposures, existing for many in time periods of decades with apparently little result.

The accumulations far exceed the levels we would expect to accumulate inside a non smokers lungs after all even sitting one foot away from a smoker for years in considering the air dilution principles at play could not exceed the level of exposure to a smokers fingers constantly bathed in the direct unfiltered smoke. If the calculated theory seems to indicate a harm exists we should see an unusually high incidence of cancerous smokers fingers, far more numerous than lung , liver or rectal cancers. More evident in fact than any smoking related site mentioned to date.

With more than 50% of the fingers expossed more than 50 years ago the 20-30 year time lag in cause and effect internationally recognized has been surpassed by more than 15 years. yet cancerous fingers remain an unusual observation.

In North America the baby boom generation presents a rare opportunity to tune into a research group defined and encapsulated as an ideal group to satisfy all statistical encumbrances. the observed reductions in use and exposure have failed to demonstrate an effect which was expected due to prior statistical theories. It appears those benifits will likely never be seen. The Baby boom research group defines significant and irrefutable proof, Cigarette smoke does not promote a significant increased risk of cancer by exposure alone.

We know smokers finger cancer is a rare occurrence which could not if cancer did exist at any level be separated from other confounder to any significant degree, unless of course the cancer was limited to the site most obviously and most significantly exposed; the fingers human habit define as the two we consistently hold a cigarette in. No such cluster condition has been reported to exist. The non existent epidemic of cancerous fingers can be placed right up there with a diagnosis of a smokers tumor which also never existed beyond media prose.

The research crowd incredibly missed this point along with the most intelligent leaders of science and medicine, alternately, they did not miss anything, and simply do not wish to discuss it, as the real observations discredit the numerous career building photo ops to date. In fact what we have been told for the past 45 years seems to have a slight imperfection in credibility.

As a theory; "smoking is a significant cause of cancers, primary or secondary",
I would suggest this claim is absolutely demonstrated in biological assay to be completely false.

Observational science is much more reliable in defining cause and effect. The environment ministries would have been much more able to monitor and define known safe levels than a dedicated anti smoking advocate who exceeds his own research findings in what he relays to the public.

The surgeon General has obviously soiled himself in front of an international audience even the media groups have fallen silent. No jubilation or dancing in the streets. No “I told you so” rhetoric just absolute silence.

Observation wise only shame and disassociation is seen in revealing a fanatic who finally went one step too far.

From a purely mechanical standpoint the observations of a smokers fingers reveals a few more real conclusions. Which would dispel previous urban myths so prevalent in the anti smoker diatribe. The color is the first obvious characteristic which could instill some reality into the situation. The color is not black as dissection of smokers lungs reveals. Anyone who has ever replaced an out door air conditioning filter will agree the color of that sediment is definitely not yellow either but coal black as a result of collection of the particulate matter in the air dissolute so often not considered in cigarette smoke statistical research.

The consistency of the sediment on those fingers would be in observational terms described as a glue. If the sediment is in fact a glue why do we not see proposals to test the effectiveness of dissolving that glue in reducing lung sediment contents which the lungs could in turn reduce with the dispelling of flem. If the glue were actually retaining cancerous agents from any source, reduction of effects would have to be inclusive of reduction of the sediment.

Bans and smoking reductions by force and coercion would not seem to be the most effective strategy in mortality reductions as legitimate research would seem to indicate, would be much more effective. Anti smoking advocates and their strategies are known to be extremely expensive, the solutions in taxation and created fears and hate are far more inclusive of sustaining the status quo. If the expense were studied the increased mortality due to increased poverty levels. Reduced personal economies would be inversely proportional to increased mortalities as a result. If mortality is the target biased anti smokers should be taken out of the effort as they do much more harm in consensus views and propaganda than real science and pro active attitudes would prove to be.

Tobacco Control is a harm and menace to society and should therefore be banned. Criminal investigations of coercion and dispensing harmful medical advice with no credentials needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I would suggest an example should be made of such individuals beginning with Political Generals and organizers who promote harmful junk science promoting the destruction of public peace

In summation and in response to a decades long monumental effort dedicated to the well being of others.

Anti smoker advocates I offer the ultimate in olive branch technologies. Today I present you with substantial proof in assessing the true hazard in the smoke you collectively fear. In honor of your efforts please accept the duality of this most appropriate gesture a symbol of truth in assessing your efforts and their long lasting effects in the future for us all.

Monday, June 26, 2006

What's in a word?

Many in the public when hearing the term “Public Health” equate the term to a benefit to community or in medical terms physical wellness. Public health is in reality a political control movement derived of industry, hopeful the public mood can be controlled to suit the needs of their own profit margins.

Public health is not a state of being, but a state of mind, being directed by a well financed well organized group of tyrants imposing their totalitarian values on the rest of us.

From early years in schools we are taught life’s rules. Realities sculptured to create a culture conducive with consumerism. This makes us both good employees and good customers as the industry parallel to moral sociological values, in a reality motto;

Industry giveth and industry taketh away.

How do you accept as a fact of life a tractor trailer can haul 50 tons on average one million miles per truck lifespan and a consumer vehicle only travels one tenth of that distance prior to being scrapped. Or the fact that same truck gets close to 7 Miles per Gallon and Dodge brags about a Ram Diesel pickup truck while empty and hauling a single person which gets just over 10 Miles per Gallon.

We pride our selves in engineering yet the idea of standardizing road clearance in passenger vehicles could limit impact zones and through reinforcements where needed, we could reduce traffic fatalities tremendously. We know Oil contains the majority of the most toxic elements known to man, yet how many furnace oil tanks sit in basements permeating the evaporates throughout a home. Or consider the quantity of benzene inhaled at a gas pump or the diesel fumes inhaled by babies at bus and train stations all are acceptable, facts of life we can do little to cure or so we believe. It is strange the most silent demographic in community, the poor are the focus of the majority of political lobbies in the recent past. The lobbies always seem to hold high the promotions of increasing costs in limiting choices, making the impact much less on those who can most afford to avoid limitations or feel the sting of excessive taxation. After all, how many of the rich actually contribute to the tax system anywhere close to the degree the poor are forced to endure?

Although we can not fault advocates involved in the more popular lobby groups altogether, many do need an awakening in what they promote; a lot more often than not does not benefit society to any degree, close to the ambitions of the financiers of grandiose change.

From the public health institute

Our Philosophy:

Working Collaboratively to Change the Way People Think About Health

And this;

Our Mission

The Public Health Institute promotes health, well-being and quality of life for all people through research and evaluation, training and technical assistance, and by building community partnerships.

Consider what you see here “promoting health and well being, through research and evaluation” research not yet completed, but when it is, it will be used to promote a cause. How valid would you consider the value in the future “research” as they call it, in determining direction or in distributing Health advice to the public? The right of free will is undermined in coercive tactics, people make health decisions based on what they know or are being told. This is proof of a planned process which constitutes a criminal act Information affecting health decisions is deliberately deceptive; yet no one has the power to complain The media says “talk to the hand” they don’t want to know. Those in power as well simply look the other way.

From an unbiased scientific prospective real research is usually completed prior to deciding if action is required. This type of research is more properly described as political rhetoric or propaganda.

From the World Health Organization

Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

An NGO is the definition given to Industry financed Lobby groups and industry strategists involved in mutually beneficial projects

The objectives of WHO's relations with NGOs are to promote the policies, strategies and activities of WHO and, where appropriate, to collaborate with NGOs in jointly agreed activities to implement them. WHO may also seek to harmonize intersectoral interests among various sectoral bodies concerned in a country, regional or global setting.

Now take a look at the coercive activities in calls for research to promote action,

knowing specific research does not yet exist, yet announcing it will be used when it does to promote HIA initiatives

MeSH scope note: Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws. (Webster, 3d ed)

Public Health is given prominence in the distortion of who they really are in fact when you take away the name and think of them as a political party, they would be known to be the very worst in respecting ethical or moral values we all hold dear. The chances a political party which supports the values demonstrated would have little chance of ever being elected in a democratic election.

They seek to let the existing parties do the dirty work for them in undermining the rights economies and stability of democracies where ever they exist. Strategies in favor of a totalitarian regime with little patience for dissenters. What political party would survive promoting only impositions based in unscientific calculations. Unscientific can be demonstrated in reviewing the actual studies giving them power, political conclusions are deliberately added to the research to create fears. Further what political party can now survive without making concessions to the public health dictators who seek world dominance in Globalization “we don’t live in silos” rhetoric.

Public Health is a political party, coercion in its finest hour. The denormalization process and social engineering on a Federal government website is akin to promoting fears of terrorist attacks, to moralize security certificates when in fact the only evidence we have such a danger exists; is in the sale of bags of fertilizer by undercover police who in reality were seeking from the start of the investigation, to arrest the purchasers.

The general public for the most part are reactive as opposed to proactive in fact the general mood in “it doesn’t matter who you vote for” attitudes is one of complacency. The turn out in national elections is anything but impressive, few would suspect this is partially by design we carry a defeatist attitude.

Never have the sales of anti depressants been higher or mistrust in our institutions of Law and government been lower. Dinosaurs are abundant although few have the ambition to speak for fear of political correct branding. People as a rule after all seek to be ambiguous and blend into a crowd. The opposition to voting on same sex marriage legislation in the Canadian legislature in pronouncements of media groups cries of bigotry, hides the underlining reality; if a vote were to occur the members supporting the legislation would thus be revealed, to support a bill many of their electorate would not support.

Health is not a word without duality in comprehension. The Health of society can be seen as in physical health but to a lesser known degree a state of mind conducive to controlling factions. The word Coercion is an interesting word avoided by public health advocates. In the death camps in Germany it was not necessary to drag screaming and kicking people into the ovens, they walked in as a choice derived of free will. This willingness was a direct result of coercion in the lies they were told first. Coercion is in the international books a crime. The methods of committing those crimes are heavily tied to psychological conditioning, in a large group in what we term propaganda. Politicians in seeking approval have allowed half truths and innuendo to evolve into a normal career discipline, enhancing career opportunities dependant on the level of success. Political opinion does not require accuracy or honesty, only an ability to make others believe it in rallying support. Politicians rarely point out inaccuracies in public perception because they at some point will seek to use those perceptions themselves. Besides bucking what the public believes without substantial proof, is usually met with strong opposition in the media, they like to use the spin too, most of the time they were paid to create it.

A further factor in considering the advantages of public health would be the basics in balancing personal and community rights. Health advocates deliberately undermine any recognition of personal and beyond those Autonomy rights as detractors slowing progress in ambitious campaigns despite how little though is really involved in the strategy process in respect to possible results. In Tobacco advertising bans we saw a huge downturn in sign companies ad agencies and most importantly in sponsoring community and sporting events. Where Tobacco industries invested billions back into communities those communities scrambled to make up the huge shortfalls which still have a lasting effect today. The taxation of the products increased poverty and lost sales which were minimal saw Layoffs in legitimate tax paying companies and a shift to organized crime made much more profitable as a result of Tobacco control. As the promotions involved a heavy handed one sided Social advertising campaigns slated as Denormalizing an industry the effect was more of a denormalizing of a significant proportion of our population. Increased hate and innuendos promoted by government and school systems playing the children against their own parents, despite the lack of credible science available. fears and suspicion where the order of the day.

Public Health made a huge victory this week, a milestone the day a Family Doctor announced on the largest media outlet in Canada “Second hand smoke is much more dangerous than smog” during the occurrence of a smog day in Toronto Canada of all places. The location in popular lore where promotions confirm in travel brochures a place surrounded by pristine lakes and wilderness. The idea this place could possibly see a smog day in February would be almost beyond comprehension a decade ago.

Indoor air is the battlefield yet the majority of Public health professionals decided our great outdoors are in need of protection as well. In considering the effects of indoor air we might be able to grasp the reality of outdoor air. In a smoky bar the highest concentrations of cigarette smoke at a level your eyes would burn and you would seek to open doors and ventilate the room is 250 Micrograms per cubic meter of air.

One microgram or millionth of a gram is one thousandth of a milligram or the weight of an amount of water one millionth of a meter cubed. Doctors prescribe medicine in milligrams or millionths of a gram a microgram is one thousand times smaller. One quarter of a milligram can cause us to be uncomfortable in a room the dangerous contents of that smoke are restricted to measurements in Nanograms and Pico grams thousandths and millionths of times smaller in quantity still. The idea someone could inhale an entire cubic meter in an hour is a gross exaggeration they promote. The maximum capacity of our lungs would prove the normal inhalation of an adult would be less than 2 cubic meters a day. Or a total of second hand smoke 375 micrograms per 8 hour day exposed. This is supporting an extreme danger in hospitality workers Health??? Consider this in the perhaps thousands of cubic meters inside a bar which dilutes second hand smoke along with air exchanges even at minimal levels promoted by the propaganda. How many cubic meters are existing out doors the source of indoor air. Although hundreds of cigarettes may be able to elevate the levels indoors to 250 micrograms per cubic meter of air how many would it take to raise the levels outdoors to sufficient levels which require a smog alert?

Real testing has demonstrated the reductions of particulate matter in outdoor air by as little as a single microgram could reduce mortality significantly 3% of total mortality at present, we are assured second hand smoke is much more dangerous in spite of common sense in observing reality. Public Health is adamant in it’s direction it will never encroach on the toes of it’s most generous benefactors or support any notion which suggests they could do us any harm. In considering historical free will decisions of millions who died in Death camps, where will we be marching next, in choices we make ourselves derived of free will?

Public health needs to be considered as organized crime and described in terms of who and not what, as a group among us who make the best use of coercive language in deceiving their victims. A pandemic or cancer which can be cured, by simply focusing the attention of the public on the fact they exist and how many suffer directly because of their actions.

A friend provided me with these links recently which demonstrate radical terrorists activities.

Criminals working within our communities a national security issue requiring immediate attention.

A long read, know the enemy;

google html version (faster download for us slow dial up sufferers)


google html of appendix

Fred Q

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Litigation is about to become the next, huge growth industry.

Epidemiology is based in the acceptable level of risk as a baseline for comparisons in 1x 10-4 or one of ten thousand This level can no longer be considered valid in the absence of linearity which established valid cause and effect principles. With no baseline for calculations how valid can we consider the calculations at all, in the face of substantially higher risks now accepted internationally as the basis for smoking ban and child abuse initiatives.

In Canada it is accepted by Health Canada; Environmental Tobacco Smoke ETS in unknown exposure levels causes the deaths of 100 children annually. The statistical association required in a 32 million population and the precision of those numbers demonstrates irrefutably a new acceptable risk factor well beyond the previous one in ten thousand standard. Due to this fact previous assessments and measurements in environmental toxins are proven invalid and of no protection to the population base whatsoever. Even the much higher 3000 ETS deaths in a 32 million population is beyond the previous acceptable risk in a population base standard for epidemiological assessments. Media presentations of Healthcare professionals depicting a statistical rise from 1 to 1.3 in comparative studies as a 30% increased risk establishes any increase no matter how small, or regardless of allowances for errors and confounding effects as unacceptable risk in our new no safe level exists standard.

In the assessment of ventilation technologies in critical review of the Burswood Casino, James Repace stated in his opinion with a level of RSP existing at a high average of 250 Micrograms per cubic meter of air the level was known to be 10,000 times the known safe level in air water and food according to the American EPA. This established proof of a widely accepted fact, the direct inhalation at that level made Environmental Tobacco smoke much more deadly than direct inhalation of Benzene, Chlorine or even Dioxins at previously believed to be known safe levels. In fact few toxins or carcinogens are known which would prove to be more deadly than second hand smoke. The levels of inhaled primary smoke while diluted by only one half liter of air in combination with coincidental exposures to ETS inhaled by a smoker as opposed a full cubic meter of air dilatant or 2000 half liter inhalations were also exceeded in the assessment of harm. Non smoker half liter inhalations, averaged at 10 inhalations per minute and 2400 litters per 8 hour day 1.4 cubic meters per non smoker. Total non smoker inhalations per 8 hour day can be seen to be approximately 375 micrograms RSP [Respiratory smoke particulate]. When you consider the levels of exposure in 1960 before the drastic reductions in primary smoking and unrestricted exposures to the smoke at or away from work and the resulting consequences we have to accept the smoke is becoming more dangerous or the no safe level assessments are indeed valid, dashing all possibilities of linear association. Biological plausibility was lacking in assessing the epidemiologic calculations however the general scientific and medical communities have accepted the theories of venturing beyond association but now establishing causation of disease in non linear proportions resulting from exposures, valid in thousands of public statements by scientific and medical experts globally. This allowed Stanton Glanz the berth of the incredible statement he made recently "Secondhand smoke doubles our risk of breast cancer. The risk you run to go smokefree? Zero."

Now we have created a much larger problem in order to substantiate a plausible level of risk to this proportion we have to dismiss all previous linearity theories. The Heather Crowe case in which a hospitality worker in Canada based on expert testimony establishing cause and effect, with no levels of inhalation or exposures to confounders known and despite the fact fellow employees with the same or higher levels of exposure did not contract cancer due to exposure. The result; linearity is now legally known to be invalid.

The Pandora’s box now open invalidates environmental testing and known safe levels in all potentially toxic exposures by comparison. How could that same compensation board now reject claims of workplace exposures of any toxin at any level resulting in an associated disease with any level of association? Beyond that how can we ever successfully prosecute environmental damages with no valid science with which to establish evidence? When successfully argued to a supreme court decision, this would have the potential to bankrupt every insurance company and workers compensation board on the planet and bog down all the courts with damage claims for decades. The tobacco industry can now enhance their chances to win any claim of damages, with a simple question of an expert brought forward to establish tobacco caused a specific harm. Do you believe Linearity in cause and effect is valid?, the response is a no win situation. Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t. The American EPA decision can be held high as proof in deciding to classify ETS as a deadly carcinogen in the absence of plausible Biological and Timeline observations, as the champion of industries who can now avoid prosecution or at very least make those prosecutions much more difficult to achieve.

Use of the same American government standards has created new theories with similar basis to blossom in battling Obesity pandemics and calculations which validify total population inoculations in place of as per need in dealing with known to be rare Papa Loma virus inspired uterine cancers. A new reality is emerging in medical knowledge we will eventually know how credible the experts remain, as an effect of timeline observations. This would of course be dependant on the continued ability to sustain consensus or political science in media presentations indefinitely.


James Repace et al;

Stanton Glanz et al;

Protection of the new non linear standard at the American EPA allowed them to reject research with a Biological assay.

Et al DR. George D. Thurston, Sc. D.

et al, The American Lung Association

Media presentations

Research attributed to the professional oversight of Dr. Neil Coleshaw of Doctors for a smoke free planet, during his employment at the World Health Organization. The research failed to express the actual precision of risk now accepted and expressed in non linear standards.;90/19/1440

Today a new reality unfolds simply being exposed to ETS is unacceptable risk, regardless of the level or duration of that exposure With the new gold standard in place; one wonders as we eventually eliminate all toxins and carcinogens from our environment, if any manufacturer or civilization itself can survive the onslaught of ad agency created fear as a basis for future litigation

Sunday, June 04, 2006

News flash; Deadly attack at the Ontario legaslature

This morning at the Ontario Provincial legislature an incident occurred which may have led to the deaths of thousands luckily vigilant security forces took swift action and minimized the damages although it may be some time before the full extent of this tragedy will be fully understood. A group of tourists who had done a walk through tour are the apparent suspects. The use of police horses to keep anti government protesters in line may have led to the exasperation of the already deadly situation originating on the lawn in front of the building.

130 suspects were immediately rounded up for questioning. Police sources revealed; the investigators are seeking possibly more than one suspect in the distribution of the deadly substance leading to the near disaster. Tourists engrossed in capturing that perfect shot may have [although a deliberate act has not been ruled out completely] unwittingly distributed the deadly substance all through the halls and right into the legislative chambers which at the time were not in use in service of the public as is normally the case. Luckily the familiar pungent odor was noticed quickly which set security forces to action. A sample was found almost immediately and rushed to the forensics lab for analysis. The report was decisive the 7200 chemicals revealed by mass spectrometer testing included 44 known carcinogens and 27 deadly and possibly contagious viruses. Results set the extraction team to commence an immediate process driven action; donning respirators and rubber gloves they went to work attempting to remove the dangerous solid matter substance. Pine sol antiseptic cleaner was used extensively to eliminate some of the virulent aspects of the off gasses.

According to overwhelming scientific proof as illustrated by Heath care authorities in the past 5 years of investigating second hand smoke. It would take gale force winds exceeding 300 miles per hour to excavate gasses from a room even then only a 95% success rate can be achieved. The much deadlier off gasses seen in this incident could prove to be much more difficult, it would take perhaps a full 4 year legislative term to rid the public spaces of Liberal doses of horseshit off gasses. The solid material aspect would remain even in the existence of gale force winds. Testing revealed the inclusion of scores of deadly viruses equating the potential deadly effects of a dirty bomb wherever this substance is distributed. This would substantiate the fact no safe level can be permitted ventilation can never be effective in warding off such a deadly toxin.

Epidemiological testing reveals more than 95% of total population mortality occurs in every disease category within 3 days of being exposed to some form of Liberal doses of Horseshit. This makes Liberal doses of Horseshit the most deadly workplace hazard ever known to man far exceeding even those results found in tobacco smoke. Hospitality venues have known the risks for decades and banned the substance in all eating areas. Movie theatres Bingo halls and most places large crowds would be normally expected to go, all have similar although inconsistent rules. The Royal winter fair has no such health protections exposing hundreds of thousands of defenseless children every year to Liberal doses of Horseshit. Every housewife in the country has self imposed bans, as her mother did going back generations in protecting their families from this deadly hazard.

We need to awaken the public to this deadly hazard it could be proposed a re-use of existing advertising promo materials. Everywhere the words second hand smoke or ETS was formerly displayed the replacement of the term Liberal doses of Horseshit could be installed. Waste not, want not, in the spirit of recycling in government sector expenditures. Ad agency spin could be replicated in social engineering strategies saving billions in expenditures this time around. The sitting government is toying with a perfume ban while a much more offensive odor is invading the sinus cavities of millions every day. The smoking ban was implemented with only 44 statistical Ontarians dying daily due to smoking related diseases yet we ignore a hazard easily 4 times as deadly in real numbers responsible for almost 200,000 mortalities annually and 176 deaths in Ontario every day from Liberal Horseshit related diseases. The message is clear the public demands action, we need a bill to level the playing field affording protection to all workers in the province who would be forced to endure deadly long term exposure through the term of a full shift while an inconsiderate co worker sits oblivious to the hazard he inflicts on everyone else in the room. Simply cleaning his shoes could make life safer for those around him yet many would sit in denial refusing to alleviate the situation because shame or ego would not allow them to just look. Parents who expose their kids to Liberal Horseshit should be labeled as abusers and be relieved of parental rights. No one should be allowed employment who would callously expose defenseless co-workers to Liberal Horseshit related diseases. I call on legislators everywhere to ban Liberal Horseshit from all public spaces as well as outdoor patios and within 50 feet of the entrances of Hospitals and hospitality venues.

Healthcare advocates need to get active in enacting the public protections required immediately. We need to create a symbolic graphic to be distributed and displayed in all public spaces. Perhaps a graphic depicting Dalton falling out of the business end of a horse, donning his traditional black suit with red Liberal armband with a couple of strategic council poll reports tied to his feet as parachutes slowing his inevitable decline. If we all work together we can rid our planet of the suspicious smell of Liberal Horseshit and all of it's deadly consequences.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Freedom and Justice for all

Justice was done today in Canada. It began a few days ago with the public lauding of two broke back Mounties announcing their wedding plans. The politically correct media embraced the story announcing locals in New Brunswick were totally supportive the fellow police offered congratulations and all is well in the Liberal LAW LAW land, that is Canadian justice. A system which has always rewarded conviction rates over truth and Justice. In fact totally accepting of the term “Justice has nothing to do with the facts”. It takes us back to a commercial depicting a woman MP who fought to reform prisons eliminating torture of prisoners. The torture did not actually end it simply took another politically acceptable form. Guards who take no actions most finding it amusing in fact, while hearing the screams of prisoners every night. Just business and Canadian justice without which we would have no deterrents incarcerations need to be a place of punishments. The rapes are just part of what keeps us civil and fearing the law.

A system which finds it so excruciatingly difficult to arrest and convict politicians who steal hundreds of millions in public money, yet finds it so simple to incarcerate a hungry homeless man for stealing a candy bar. A system which embraces driving smokers into the streets to deal with West Nile laden mosquito’s where women who are told not to be alone in dimly lit streets at night, are now forced to do just that . A health minister who lauds his actions dealing with an addiction. “Quit or be punished” the political correct call to justice. One has to wonder when he was treated for another addiction if treatments included threats with a loaded gun. Political correctness which keeps our elected officials under the thumb of media groups, has a lot of inconsistent moralizations in fact the media tends to promote no morality at all.

Police in military style training can not accept less than total control standing while forcing a target to sit gives the feeling of command in the room. Two hands on a Billy club allows a threat without verbalizing the conditions. The uniform indicating a military force who are not to be messed with. Today as with the turban issue of the past and the carrying of ceremonial daggers in school yards a new nail was driven into the coffin of military boot stomping justice in Canada. We can hear the snickers already amongst those wrongfully convicted and raped while society cheered. The same phrase in every interrogation room in the country when a book is slammed on the table or an out of control interrogator looses control resorting to screaming at a prisoner or perhaps assisting a prisoner falling out of a chair while the videotape is accidentally turned off. Justice demands respect while attempting to extract evidence, any evidence which could promote the almighty conviction so Justice can be done. Canadians should bless the sacred union, tongue in cheek every one of us. The rest of the planet is watching the Canadian perspective with amusement, hoping they too will not be forced to bear our politically correct burden, pandering to all while respecting none.

Just a phrase which says it all Justice, a prisoners new defense allowing him to retain some small piece of dignity. Encompassed in a question for the tormentor;

“What are you so grumpy about, didn’t you get your man today?”


Friday, April 28, 2006

Selling dead babies is revolting;

Canadian politicians and medical charities have lost all credibility.

Reviewing the latest attempt to provide scary numbers one would have to conclude.
Yes if University of Toronto professors were plumbers they could retire after installing the first sink.
Getting the job with a written estimate may carry a health risk to the consumer who read it.
A fine example of why they say those who can; do, and those who cannot, teach.

If you listen to the popular diatribe smoking would have no upside. We know Alzheimer’s patient see significant benefits. Although James Repace and his 10,000 times the known safe levels by calculations of PPAH contents in tobacco smoke defining this as a significant hazard regardless of the facts. For women to some extent there are positive aspects which if investigated could benefit us all. Among women ETS and primary smoking is known to reduce not only the risk of estrogen related cancers and endometriosis. The measured dioxin contents in serum testing actually shows a reduction of Dioxins compared to women who never smoked. In males who smoke 20 cigarettes a day, results in an expected increase of 40% in serum levels due to the existence of trace amounts of dioxins. It was found however body fat measurements exhibited levels consistent with non-smokers in total accumulations. The primary source of Dioxin intake is food, particularly through animal fats. Incinerators have been seen to emit levels well above acceptable standards and were found to elevate levels above dangerous body burdens. The daily intake of less than 5 picograms/TEQ-Kilogram body weights would not be exceeded by smoking 20 cigarettes per day in addition to the norms in our environment. Those most at risk of above normal intake would be those living close to highways and municipal incinerators.

A single diesel engine produces 4-16 full grams Dioxins per year. Diesel exhaust partially based in high dioxin content is a class one carcinogen. Although ETS or second hand smoke is also classed by consensus not observed in real scientific testing, in elevated levels in any of its physical attributes. It would be misleading to assume both exhibit equal risk, this if taken seriously would no doubt lead to an increased risk of morbity and mortality. The failure to establish PELS in conjunction with ETS or Diesel exhaust would lead us to conclude linear ratings as supported by the WHO are seen to be inadequate. In order to establish linearity a gauge needs to be established in order to assay the real harm or risk, failing a known PEL confusion exists in perceptions of harms actually present. This leads to an increased risk of our young starting to smoke with no more than speculation, largely political to substantiate the actual risk involved.
If Governments wish to produce facts by consensus alone for political means to an end the informed consent principle fails. Speculation risks in scientific terms are in absence of real facts leaving children open to deciding who would be the most credible source of health information; those in competing nicotine delivery markets being supported by their political friends or classmates who argue they have relatives who died in their nineties in spite of a lifetime of chain-smoking. For a young mind eager to experiment living in a perspective life will go on indefinitely, it is not hard to understand why so many are prone to dangerous choices.

Recently reported studies were announced on all major media networks, which claim smoking, alcohol; and illegal drugs cost society 40-50 Billion dollars annually depending on the network. Presented as a cost per person at 1600.00 as if the entire population would have to pay this amount as a cost to Government in societal costs. The amounts were the result of a SAMMEC spreadsheet calculation of an inflated population group the majority of this group died in the past 45 years less than 2% of this group even have a chance of costing society anything in the future. The study group in Canada includes ever smokers who even if they were all alive today the numbers reflect in the majority, personal costs not affecting society in over 90% of the figures stated, as confirmed in the 1991 SAMMEC report conclusions.

Smoking is actually a profit center contributing to society as a whole in 1991 alone 5.2 Billion dollars, despite the calculation of overall costs stated in the preamble as exceeding 15 Billion dollars. According to SAMMEC, those affected amounted to 52% of the population base. The last time smoking rates were 52% was in 1960 presuming they started at 15 years of age those born prior to 1945 in 1991. When the first Canadian SAMMEC study was done the entire population base studied would have been past the age of 45 or 61 years of age today. The last of that group would have reached the age of retirement by 2010, four years from today. The majority of those who would have been affected already have been affected and it is not difficult to see huge reductions of the cause to date should have resulted in similar reductions already noticed, unless smoking was not the cause of most of those effects in proportions anywhere close to the proportions previously believed. 20% smokers in overall population cannot contribute to more than 10% of total diseases mortality attributed to smoking if only one quarter of that group will die prior to retirement age. The costs personal and societal in total cannot be more than 1/8 or 12.5% of total cost of expenditures. If that number were slated at 15 Billion dollars we would be seeing expenditures of 120 Billion dollars total Canadian spending in smoking related diseases alone, a number, which is hardly realistic.

If overall health is the objective more needs to be known before wide brushing a largely undefined product known as tobacco smoke. Smoke derives from a variety of vastly different products all we know in judging the risk factor is speculative, with ambiguous statements such as “there is no safe cigarette” as the only measure of proof to establish those political opinions. If we discovered what increased the risk we may be well on the way to curing cancers and other outcomes defined as smoking related diseases. We do not ban the use of chlorine although it exhibits a number of detrimental to human health characteristics. Do we ban vegetables, Wood burning or meat all, which normally contain deadly carcinogens? Smoking in measured quantities of toxins and carcinogens is well below the daily intake exhibited in all the categories mentioned. The air we breath is heavily polluted well beyond levels know as safe according to the American Lung Association in recent submissions regarding Particulate matter reductions. For every drop of one microgram per cubic meter of air in our environment with confounding for smoking included in the calculation 75,000 USA mortalities would be reduced or 3% of all annual mortality. If the 5% reductions happened as they proposed it would result in reductions of 375,000 lives of the 400,000 now thought to be attributed solely to smoking. With only a 20% smoker prevalence. Is ETS a concern for little more than the smell or is their a specific risk being withheld from the public view not being discussed with which to base public perceptions being relayed for years? Is smoking actually a major risk factor, which has confounded normal scientific discovery for decades or is it in fact a convenient excuse for politicians masquerading as scientists?

SAMMEC as a base for risk fractions if common sense is applied represents substantial proof of how over extended the risk actually is. The population base established in SAMMEC research at 52% listing relative risks cumulatively expressed as a risk of both current and ever smokers captures a population view of those who did smoke in 1960. Therefore damage if any, would be assumed to have already occurred in 1991,1996 and 2000 when consistently the mortalities and cost were estimated. 1/8 of ever smokers were seen to die prior to the age of 70. One half of smokers in total died of what are thought to be related diseases half did not. Attaching those outcomes to the current level of smoking is deceptive in two ways. In Canada the population has almost doubled in the interim and the prevalence of smoking has decreased substantially in population as a whole. In a logical perspective we have seen in parallel to smoking reductions, steady increases in percentage of population levels in all risk categories, this is explained as a result of smoking habits in the past. The real numbers do not come close to bearing this out, if smoking were the major risk factor being portrayed. We should be seeing a decline after 45 years, if smoking reductions are to have any beneficial effect at all. The current rate at 20% [6 million] could not result in an effect of more than 1/3 of rates in any smoking related category. This is verified in the 3/5[52%-20%=32%] reductions to date and one half of the remaining having no substantial risks, as only one half will die of smoking related diseases regardless of cause. [6 million x .5= 3million] Which leaves us with a group of less than 10% of the population in total minus the percentage who would have died of those diseases in the named categories regardless of smoking as reflected in the non-smoking norms. Current smokers who will be affected by smoking in the future 92.5% will live beyond 70 and only 1/8[750,000] will die below retirement ages or below 70 in fact. This would amount to less than 2.5% of the total population at current rates. Increasing with age backwards to 1960 in current smokers and if as SAMMEC indicates ever smokers are included 52% of the population peak maximum risk has already passed assuming as studies have confirmed a 30 year reactance to smoking habits in the past increasing with amount smoked and years or pack years smoked. The peak having already passed, significant mortality declines should have begun 15 years ago if as stated any substantial benefit will ever be seen. The continued and substantial increases are proof smoking is not the major factor in smoking related diseases being portrayed. Reflecting a 36% prevalence in 1975 with a 20 Million population, smoking cannot account for more than 10% of ever smokers portions of smoking related disease today directly reflecting now only 36% in ever smoker numbers or 20% in combination with all other significant factors. As common sense would dictate the megatons of pollution in the air would be a more relevant indicator in assessing real health risk. Once the medical propagandists habit of study duplication ceases, perhaps some real research should begin.

Any disease category related to smoking should have realized 10% reductions reflecting 10% reductions in use prior to 1970 in the year 1990 in addition to the amount of ever smokers who had died of all causes to that point. Any increases by percentage in those disease categories, can be assumed to be in addition to more than 10% declines to be actually caused by other factors, proving actual smoking risk is grossly over stated.

If ETS is considered the risk in other risk categories known to be underestimated should serve to prove how little if any risk ETS truly represents. Results of current assessments show only 3000 in a 32 million population, as currently believed or .00009% population risk factor. If the smoking risk or lack thereof were to be reduced by even just the 10% risk factor assigned in relation to smoking related diseases disregarding increases in disease categories in primary smoking, the resulting risk would be so low as to never be considered relevant, even as surprising as it is, it carries any relevance currently. In calculating population risk the calculation begins at .0001 established as a non-risk. ETS is; as currently framed already below the level of significant population risk. Smoking bans therefore offer no significant or statistical protection to anyone regardless of ETS exposures in the highest of current levels.

Radiation Risks non-linear discussions.

Reduced endometrial cancer risks

Does lack of ETS provide clean air or even significantly safer air?

Oregon Baby deaths attempted and failed miserably in comparison to real numbers.

Of 5000 stated ingredients and carcinogens, here are Health Canada's only concerns

100 years of smoking Doctors

ETS relative risk California

Informed consent history

Reality from one of the few sensible voices left in Canadian media

RWJF paid for this research and promptly burried it [PDF]

Ingredients included elsewhere none are included in Canadian cigarettes

Sammec 1991

SAMMEC; 1994- 1996 with baby deaths thrown in for effect.
An estimate deriving 105 deaths in a 30 million population are purely political in such small numbers they would be known to be statistically impossible to predict reliably.

SAMMEC 2005 This one poked some huge holes in SAMMEC while creating larger numbers, and some significant holes of it’s own. Primarily suggesting risks associated to specific diseases; as they are higher today, should be utilized in the calculations regardless of other significant and rising factors at play. Mention of the CSPII study identifying a suggestion smoking had a risk in all disease categories and utilizing the risk data regardless shows the intent was not to improve credibility but to actually increase the final numbers. If a risk is assayed correctly the percentage should not rise over time with all other factors remaining constant. Post 1960 when the highest effects should have been seen in percentages of all related categories. Tar content was reduced, Additives were banned, Growing restrictions were regulated including the removal of Radon emitting fertilizers and soil and the implementation of flue curing reducing histamines 95% all which should have reduced mortality risk in fact it seems according to the experts all efforts had an adverse effect if we can believe the new numbers.

Health Canada preparation of data to utilize in SAMMEC II promotions for political purposes
Consistent with the need to protect children as described in RWJF lobbying tactics found here

The format required; Current upgrades and maintenance as directed to promote political anger.

Why lobbies prefer Studies to physical scientific research

Coaching the value of dead babies to sell your story

Sammec upgrades financed by the coach

Oregon Baby death profiteering attempted and failed miserably in comparison to real numbers.

More coaching efforts

Canadian submissions Feb. 2004 if you want to see the future from a Health Canada perspective.This link connects the Pan Canadian strategy to CSPI largely funded also by RWJF. They declared in Lobby registration they sought to have labeling applied to pop cans after talking to the Liberals they progressed into dictating the Romano report and the budget in addition to the WHO submissions all within months of the Canadian submissions at the WHO. Ralph Goodale in the past two Liberal terms introduced this bill twice with apparently little notice of the opposition parties. The first time it did not get through due to an election the second time around it was introduced and fully funded in his budget.Feb. 16 2004

"...Somebody has to take governments' place,
and business seems to me to be a logical entity to do it."
- David Rockefeller - Newsweek International, Feb 1 1999.

Rockefeller Foundation
Here's the Money Incidentally CSPI wrote Ralph Goodales Pan Canadian strategy RWJF also financed Smoking ban advocacy in support of Nicoderm cq smoking patches. Charity at its finest, from the Family Company, Does the public have a right to know? It is funny how that name CSPI keeps popping up everywhere we look

"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of state and corporate power" - Benito Mussolini