Health Canada a mess

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Illegal expendatures of public funds

Many need to read Creighton’s; A State Of Fear, and consider the work of public health of late. Fear is a motivator, if you are a terrorist involved in coercive activities we can expect it, from a government ministry it becomes scandalous. I am ashamed and appalled Health Canada is the source of hate campaigns which promote unwarranted fears and divisions in Canadian society. Second hand smoke, Fat pandemics, Bird flu pandemics, Mad cow disease and global warming all ad agency campaigns purchased to enhance the pockets of stakeholders. Politics purchased with the public purse. The Canadian Government involved shamelessly in what is referred to in the states as pork barrel politics. We are delivered the messages melded into the real news so well hidden we have no way to distinguish; real news from prepared press releases or essentially purchased commercials. Augment the press releases with regular commercials inducing fears in what are termed denormalization campaigns and we turn society upon itself to achieve results favorable to industry goals being promoted with government funds. In response to a scathing audit health Canada was reinvented as an agency of propaganda. Almost half of the budget 220 million of 450 million allotted is now dedicated to ad agency purchases. In addition 500 million dollars was given to deposed MP Allan Rock to create a traveling medicine show exerting federal pressure across the country in promotion of smoking bans at municipal and Provincial levels. The head scientist was replaced by a professor of political science which should speak volumes in itself.

Without a shred of evidence to substantiate any harm derives from second hand smoke .Propaganda is educating us to fear the smoke at any level. A nuisance of sight and smell evolved by controlled consensus into a deadly carcinogen, dangerous at any exposure level irrespective of massive dilutions in outdoor air. The stated cannon of proof is in fact a series of small replicated calculated studies which are now known to be based in flawed data sets, by their own admission anti smoking lobbies attacked the CPS1 and CPS11 studies stating the case and control compared groups were in fact both exposed to second hand smoke [ETS]. The claim is, if a control group were found which was not exposed the associations would be higher which is another misleading statement. In fact the results found in current studies if both groups were exposed would account for results derived of other causes lessening the overall proof ETS is associated with any disease. The revelations of study group deficiencies come in response to the largest study to date which determined the associations of ETS and disease where not sustainable particularly in respect to Heart disease and Cancers. Despite the attacks on the American Cancer Society numbers By both the head of the ACS and prominent leaders of anti smoking lobby architecture determined to discrediting the Enstrom and Kobot research conclusions. We continue to hear paid media statements, letters to the editor and politician astroturfing campaigns distributing false impressions based in their own admitted flawed data. SAMMEC calculations derived the shocking numbers declaring the cost of smoking to society. The figures were derived in the same CPS research groups, in addition to calculations of lost wages 20 years beyond retirement in actuality a cost to smokers and not to society. SAMMEC was actually reinvented to include child mortality figures tearing at our heart strings, declaring SIDS deaths to be caused by smoking despite the science which make this entirely unlikely. SIDS remains to this day as a syndrome meaning; of unknown origin. More likely associated with a sleeping position than any other factor found to date. The one question American Lobbies can not explain is among the baby boomer generation when more than half the population smoked virtually none of whom were not exposed to ETS, how they grew to be the healthiest and longest living generation in world history. This should go to show you can’t believe everything you hear. Most prevalent when Health Canada is concerned.

What is being promoted here by powerful lobby extremists is the sale of addictive nicotine products said to be replacement therapy products [NRT] which carry a lot of risk of their own, in particular heart impairment of otherwise healthy individuals. NRT products, in study after study have been shown to be less than 5% effective however are 100% effective in maintaining and creating addiction. We have to ask ourselves when was the last time children were legally allowed to purchase cigarettes over the counter. In most places a 10 year old child can now not only purchase addictive nicotine gum [in exciting new flavors] but that child will likely be congratulated for their wise decision. Politicians state something needs to be done. Legislators have been taking the easy road for to long, legislating punishment on the victims of smoking is profitable to everyone involved. Regulation of the product seems to be a back of the shelf afterthought despite the mortality benefits all participants know are massive. The CDC and the World Health Organization have tested tobacco products for decades and they are well aware all cigarettes are not created equally. The toxic and carcinogenic content which can and is controlled by the manufacturers varies enormously.. Real physical spectro analysis proves the toxic abilities of tobacco smoke can be easily reduced as much as 98%. By reducing the toxins we reduce the risk the effect and the cost. The huge American tobacco settlements assured the victims would pay the costs of healthcare while maintaining the profits of the tobacco industry. Coincidental to growing a larger addictive nicotine market with the addition of NRT Dollars are being exchanged while we are being turned on each other in hate and fear mongering. NRT is without doubt a gateway drug in every sense of the term, Marketing to children has returned with a vengeance, lead by the creation of a cute cartoon devil, assuring tax levels will never decline nor will the nicotine addicted numbers

Bird flu sold a lot of tama flu stockpiles, despite the fact it is unlikely to ever occur the lower respiratory infection does not pass easily between humans, referred to recently by real scientists as equivalent to catching pneumonia

The American CDC recanted statements of fat pandemics forced by their own researchers to reveal they had exaggerated findings by as much as 26 times what was actually found. Undaunted radical American Lobby CSPI testified at the Romano commission the exaggerated numbers. CSPI went on to create the Pan Canadian strategy which was adapted by the former Liberal government and presented to the world health organization for international use. Most countries rejected the strategy preferring to base health decisions in real science this time around in viewing the risk taken in ETS advocacy inspiring smoking bans world wide. The pan Canadian strategy written by an American lobby group is stranger than fiction. A plan which will attach cigarette style taxation to future deemed “unhealthy foods” while allotting a 300% tax break to advertisers for every dollar spent promoting healthy foods whatever healthy means is not yet defined. In addition CSPIO actually dictated the wording of Ralph Goodale’s bill which passed third reading and was included in his final budget. Recent changes of the height to weight determinant replaced with waist to hip measurements, created millions of overweight and obese individuals with the stroke of a pen. New numbers created where then declared as a recent pandemic of overweight individuals compared to those a decade ago, demanding action.

Recent senate hearings revealed scientists formerly with health Canada were fired and censured for going directly to then Prime Minister Cretien’s office with information being ignored by their own department. They revealed Cretien’s office was advised; mad cow disease can be eliminated by testing cows alive, all cattle can be tested without killing them first. In addition they revealed the practice of administering antibiotics to livestock is making the drugs ineffective to those who consume the meat. Drug resistant biological strains are a myth. We loose the effect of antibiotics by careless use of the drugs.

Global warming enthusiasts fail to explain with the warming effect and increased evaporation levels where the water will go. Real science tells us the clouds produced will block the sun and moderate temperature. Precipitation in rain and snow would bring particulate matter to the earth as nature has cured itself for millions of years. The lobby against reductions of NOX and SOX which are much more dangerous is unbelievable. Said to be a sellout by large environmental groups funded by acid rain producing industries. Carbon emissions of the earth itself are known to be thousands of times higher than man made sources. Real scientists in disgust boycotted the Montreal conference as they were limited in what they were allowed to say in public, much as with smoking debates only the single view would be tolerated.

We do prosecute terrorists, why are the hate and fear promoters within government agencies and participating Non Government organizations [NGOs] not under investigation for terrorist acts, benefiting all participants while societies victims risk and mortality rates continue to rise.



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