Health Canada a mess

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

War Crimes

Should someone be requesting that the Canadian Cancer society be investigated for fraud and mass murder?

In viewing the case of Heather Crowe the barmaid internationally known because of a WCB case in Ontario. She had her claim accepted in a work related injury contracting Cancer as her doctor stated “a smoker’s tumor” due to exposure to “second hand smoke”. Her Doctor would not lie to the WCB in expressing above a personal opinion his medical analysis of her situation for that could be deemed as defrauding the WCB, who were obliged to compensate her injuries.

The Canadian Cancer society has not been forthcoming with the public in failure to disclose a process exists which can determine the cause of a specific lung tumor prior to surgery, removing the Tumor and analyzing its characteristics. Even if that had been done the ability to absolutely link the tumor to a specific cause. This situation could only have occurred with an analysis process to substantiate the conclusions her doctor made. In public statements Heather referred to the tumor as inoperable Moreover, as such a death sentence. The removal of lungs or partial Lungs has been successful in many other instances, heart lung transplants we have heard about for decades have been successful, however a prognosis of a smokers tumor by it’s known description would for some reason eliminate these possibilities. She most certainly will die and has expressed a wish to be the last to die of a “smoker’s tumor”. It is time she was given her most profound wish. The Medical community has held secret the explanation of this condition not allowing even their own researchers the ability to seek a cure as no mention of a smoker’s tumor or its strange characteristics, exists in medical texts anywhere in the public domain. Look it up.

The process as affirmed by the Canadian Medical association and described in Government sponsored advertising most certainly exists. The fact a tumor can be identified and linked absolutely to cause reveals the fact The Canadian Cancer Society has been overstating a need for donations for research in these areas, in which a process is already established. Further with the identification process that certainly must exist the cure for Cancer can be as simple as removing unnecessary exposure to causative elements known in this case as ETS or environmental Tobacco Smoke Smoking bans fall far short of this objective.

Health professionals have been saying for years no safe level exists. In Israel, fearing chemical attacks in the recent past the citizens were issued breathing apparatus and chemical suits. With the vast amounts of ETS in our outdoor and indoor environments resulting from hundreds of years of smoking and the ability of the smoke to resist air currents and linger in a room perhaps for centuries. Government must act now and install Hurricane forced capable ventilation systems, to vacate this harmful situation, as we know also as the only effective means of protection. In a recent Radio interview The highly respected Doctor Glanz confirmed James Repace’s irrefutable evidence in his assessment of harm at 16.4 Pico grams per cubic meter of air. Glanz was heard to reveal radioactive isotopes have been found in the smoke. This confirms as an equal harm of radioactive waste in similar acceptable levels ETS risk is nothing to take lightly. with a 50,000-year half-life disposal after cleanup is completed would represent a huge challenge in storage of massive volumes of contaminated air, It is a testament to human ingenuity the citizens themselves have been able to survive thus far in being able to avoid contact through their own devices for so many years. The Hurricane in Louisiana will one day be seen as a God send, in the declining Lung Cancer mortality figures in the region, which will certainly reflect the desired cleansing effect of hurricane forced winds. Governments need to act in the interest of survival of the human species. Failure to do so will most certainly lead to further catastrophic mortality in the future. The Canadian Cancer society is remiss in its duty to full disclosure to the public, in details of the discovery process; they need to be held to account for this abomination in front of 12 of their peers.

The Government who most certainly are aware of the situation is allowing a deadly product to be sold. It should be obvious to all with little common sense the products should be removed from the shelf until they can be proven safe. The small view of protecting hospitality workers from injury does not fully address the larger situation. Smokers themselves although the primary smoke was believed in the past to cause their injuries known as smoking related diseases are obviously being exposed to a much more deadly toxin in the smoke, causing the deaths of others in minor exposures to it. Perhaps a re-evaluation of the overall situation outside the political consensus community view needs to be undertaken. If as we now know ETS can cause cancer with the actual exposure levels expected by non smokers who work in smoking environments the much higher exposures to smokers constitutes an extreme danger. Although they are afforded exemplary protection by the cigarette filter during primary smoking they are also inhaling the ETS laced air causing the major concern. We can now understand more clearly perhaps smoking itself was never as dangerous as we have always believed with an obviously much more deadly toxin accumulate present as a result of centuries of burning this plant, previously given little notice.

The proof of process in the public announcements by health authorities around the globe and especially from the World Health Organization leaves little doubt. The Canadian cancer society has been soliciting funds under false pretenses. They have deliberately with held vital information of the progress that most certainly will eliminate new cases of Lung cancer in short order with an organized action plan. The virtual Library of other health consequences attributed to smoking and ETS will no doubt see tremendous decreases in kind, once this information is allowed in the public domain. The explanation as to why such vital information is being with held can only have one possible explanation the organization’s administrators are more concerned with self enrichment and sustainability of funding sources than with the admitted to be “preventable deaths” of millions around the globe. As with the Tainted blood scandal they are relying on Government and paid media contacts to cover up these despicable acts allowing death and extreme suffering in exchange for cash payments is inexcusable.

Further proof of the use of their celebrity to disseminate fears for financial gains can be demonstrated on their own public website. In Feb. 2006 the home page requested all to sign a petition requesting increased funding from the federal government stating clearly Cancer rates are increasing at alarming rates 42% of Canadians would be predicted to contract Cancer in their lifetime. Stating close to 65,000 had died in 2005 as a result.
In March the American Cancer Society declared Cancer mortality rates had dropped for the first time in 70 years stating smoking reductions and lower pollution levels were finally seeing some effect. The Canadian Cancer Society in public statements agreed; Cancer rates have been declining for a number of years and deaths had dropped to close to 65,000 in 2005. On April 11 2006 a CBC production declared a new cause for concern indicating rates were again on the rise with 159,000 new Cancers diagnosed every year and nearly half of Canadians would be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime close to 65,000 had died in 2005, another call for more funding. Whenever this group rallies for donations they communicate the realities although assessments remain unclear. Do 60% smoking reductions as seen since 1960 and reduced contact with ETS 75% reductions, result in cancer reductions? They obviously are not saying.
The process of obtaining data to make broad conclusions of this nature is substantial. The flip flop from month to month clearly demonstrates the lack of respect this group has for all who would donate funds to them; broader integrity issues go without saying.

The American Lung Association in connection with the 6 cities studies and submissions to the EPA identified cities including Toronto where the particulate matter rates were of concern and known to be above safe levels. We all know particulate matter is just an alternate way to describe ETS. Why breathing apparatus has not been suggested as essential for all Canadian homes defies logic. The deadly invisible missiles and the fact smokers smell like Dog fescues as indicated in the commercials is a message, which should not go unnoticed. If we are as concerned with public health as the media indicates failure to act is inexcusable. The latest research indicates with each reduction of 1 Micro gram in outdoor particulate matter 75,000 Americans would be saved. By scale 8,000 Canadians as well. The American Lung association showed with the latest research a drop of 5 Micrograms is required. This would lead to the reduction of 40,000 smoking related deaths every year in Canada of the 47,000 known rate we see currently. Smoking should be banned outright to obtain the levels required, the Government needs to invest in air collection machinery to purge outdoor air of the persistent ETS pandemic. Industry Lobbies in attempts to protect the Tobacco industry and promote sustained levels of ETS, should be publicly denounced for their actions. Identified at the American Lung association’s website as.

“American Trucking Associations, Chamber of Commerce of the U.S., National Coalition of Petroleum Retailers, Burns Motor Freight, Garner Trucking, Genie Trucking Line, National Automobile Dealers Association, National Association of Manufacturers, ... and dozens more!”

It is imperative Governments take Tobacco products off the shelf until the industries producing them can prove no more danger exists. The Philip Morris International website provides an excellent foray into this area of discovery they have almost every ingredient which could be included in a cigarette except the main ingredient displayed with peer reviewed animal testing clearly indicating in the additive levels present no harm. Health Canada although very concerned with as they state over 5000 chemicals and 40-50 known carcinogens with the power to do much more apparently only request test results be provided with respect to very few ingredients Tobacco is included in test results demanded however no information is available in what is reported or the potential harms. Ingredients all of which apparently are believed meet safety standards as the results have led to no actions to date. Health Canada takes no issue with the ingredients at all in fact queries have confirmed it is the Tobacco when burned which produces the deadly toxins resulting in the extreme mortality risk not the additives. Tobacco plant burning alone which we now know would remain a risk even with the amount of dilatant air in an outdoor setting. The Ontario smoking ban regulations confirm this insisting no roof is acceptable which would trap this deadly smoke and infect others not as we have always believed as an accumulated toxin but a danger in any contact at all. Recent science determining 20-30 minutes in contact with tobacco smoke will cause irreparable Heart damage resulting in substantial increases in heart attacks and stroke in otherwise completely healthy individuals. It becomes obvious from this; previous assessments conveyed to the public were simply untrue. Smokers health will not improve with cessation of smoking so if you smoke even if you quit you will gain no advantage in health outcomes you no doubt will die prematurely.

The continued failure to fully disclose this information fails in international law the right to informed consent. The human experiments need to stop. What was done in German concentration camps was seen as a war crime; in the war against cancer we should also see war crimes convictions. Although the preferred method of punishment of this crime was hanging in the past, for the sake of civility long jail sentences should result for all members of this organization, for the actions resulting in by their own admissions “47,000 preventable deaths” every year. This should be a demand of society and lawmakers alike.

Public floggings in my opinion are needed once again to set an example and shame these individuals so we never walk this path again.

Call you Lawyer he has a sworn duty to the bar to report heinous crimes.
Mass murders will certainly qualify.



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