Health Canada a mess

Monday, June 26, 2006

What's in a word?

Many in the public when hearing the term “Public Health” equate the term to a benefit to community or in medical terms physical wellness. Public health is in reality a political control movement derived of industry, hopeful the public mood can be controlled to suit the needs of their own profit margins.

Public health is not a state of being, but a state of mind, being directed by a well financed well organized group of tyrants imposing their totalitarian values on the rest of us.

From early years in schools we are taught life’s rules. Realities sculptured to create a culture conducive with consumerism. This makes us both good employees and good customers as the industry parallel to moral sociological values, in a reality motto;

Industry giveth and industry taketh away.

How do you accept as a fact of life a tractor trailer can haul 50 tons on average one million miles per truck lifespan and a consumer vehicle only travels one tenth of that distance prior to being scrapped. Or the fact that same truck gets close to 7 Miles per Gallon and Dodge brags about a Ram Diesel pickup truck while empty and hauling a single person which gets just over 10 Miles per Gallon.

We pride our selves in engineering yet the idea of standardizing road clearance in passenger vehicles could limit impact zones and through reinforcements where needed, we could reduce traffic fatalities tremendously. We know Oil contains the majority of the most toxic elements known to man, yet how many furnace oil tanks sit in basements permeating the evaporates throughout a home. Or consider the quantity of benzene inhaled at a gas pump or the diesel fumes inhaled by babies at bus and train stations all are acceptable, facts of life we can do little to cure or so we believe. It is strange the most silent demographic in community, the poor are the focus of the majority of political lobbies in the recent past. The lobbies always seem to hold high the promotions of increasing costs in limiting choices, making the impact much less on those who can most afford to avoid limitations or feel the sting of excessive taxation. After all, how many of the rich actually contribute to the tax system anywhere close to the degree the poor are forced to endure?

Although we can not fault advocates involved in the more popular lobby groups altogether, many do need an awakening in what they promote; a lot more often than not does not benefit society to any degree, close to the ambitions of the financiers of grandiose change.

From the public health institute

Our Philosophy:

Working Collaboratively to Change the Way People Think About Health

And this;

Our Mission

The Public Health Institute promotes health, well-being and quality of life for all people through research and evaluation, training and technical assistance, and by building community partnerships.

Consider what you see here “promoting health and well being, through research and evaluation” research not yet completed, but when it is, it will be used to promote a cause. How valid would you consider the value in the future “research” as they call it, in determining direction or in distributing Health advice to the public? The right of free will is undermined in coercive tactics, people make health decisions based on what they know or are being told. This is proof of a planned process which constitutes a criminal act Information affecting health decisions is deliberately deceptive; yet no one has the power to complain The media says “talk to the hand” they don’t want to know. Those in power as well simply look the other way.

From an unbiased scientific prospective real research is usually completed prior to deciding if action is required. This type of research is more properly described as political rhetoric or propaganda.

From the World Health Organization

Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

An NGO is the definition given to Industry financed Lobby groups and industry strategists involved in mutually beneficial projects

The objectives of WHO's relations with NGOs are to promote the policies, strategies and activities of WHO and, where appropriate, to collaborate with NGOs in jointly agreed activities to implement them. WHO may also seek to harmonize intersectoral interests among various sectoral bodies concerned in a country, regional or global setting.

Now take a look at the coercive activities in calls for research to promote action,

knowing specific research does not yet exist, yet announcing it will be used when it does to promote HIA initiatives

MeSH scope note: Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws. (Webster, 3d ed)

Public Health is given prominence in the distortion of who they really are in fact when you take away the name and think of them as a political party, they would be known to be the very worst in respecting ethical or moral values we all hold dear. The chances a political party which supports the values demonstrated would have little chance of ever being elected in a democratic election.

They seek to let the existing parties do the dirty work for them in undermining the rights economies and stability of democracies where ever they exist. Strategies in favor of a totalitarian regime with little patience for dissenters. What political party would survive promoting only impositions based in unscientific calculations. Unscientific can be demonstrated in reviewing the actual studies giving them power, political conclusions are deliberately added to the research to create fears. Further what political party can now survive without making concessions to the public health dictators who seek world dominance in Globalization “we don’t live in silos” rhetoric.

Public Health is a political party, coercion in its finest hour. The denormalization process and social engineering on a Federal government website is akin to promoting fears of terrorist attacks, to moralize security certificates when in fact the only evidence we have such a danger exists; is in the sale of bags of fertilizer by undercover police who in reality were seeking from the start of the investigation, to arrest the purchasers.

The general public for the most part are reactive as opposed to proactive in fact the general mood in “it doesn’t matter who you vote for” attitudes is one of complacency. The turn out in national elections is anything but impressive, few would suspect this is partially by design we carry a defeatist attitude.

Never have the sales of anti depressants been higher or mistrust in our institutions of Law and government been lower. Dinosaurs are abundant although few have the ambition to speak for fear of political correct branding. People as a rule after all seek to be ambiguous and blend into a crowd. The opposition to voting on same sex marriage legislation in the Canadian legislature in pronouncements of media groups cries of bigotry, hides the underlining reality; if a vote were to occur the members supporting the legislation would thus be revealed, to support a bill many of their electorate would not support.

Health is not a word without duality in comprehension. The Health of society can be seen as in physical health but to a lesser known degree a state of mind conducive to controlling factions. The word Coercion is an interesting word avoided by public health advocates. In the death camps in Germany it was not necessary to drag screaming and kicking people into the ovens, they walked in as a choice derived of free will. This willingness was a direct result of coercion in the lies they were told first. Coercion is in the international books a crime. The methods of committing those crimes are heavily tied to psychological conditioning, in a large group in what we term propaganda. Politicians in seeking approval have allowed half truths and innuendo to evolve into a normal career discipline, enhancing career opportunities dependant on the level of success. Political opinion does not require accuracy or honesty, only an ability to make others believe it in rallying support. Politicians rarely point out inaccuracies in public perception because they at some point will seek to use those perceptions themselves. Besides bucking what the public believes without substantial proof, is usually met with strong opposition in the media, they like to use the spin too, most of the time they were paid to create it.

A further factor in considering the advantages of public health would be the basics in balancing personal and community rights. Health advocates deliberately undermine any recognition of personal and beyond those Autonomy rights as detractors slowing progress in ambitious campaigns despite how little though is really involved in the strategy process in respect to possible results. In Tobacco advertising bans we saw a huge downturn in sign companies ad agencies and most importantly in sponsoring community and sporting events. Where Tobacco industries invested billions back into communities those communities scrambled to make up the huge shortfalls which still have a lasting effect today. The taxation of the products increased poverty and lost sales which were minimal saw Layoffs in legitimate tax paying companies and a shift to organized crime made much more profitable as a result of Tobacco control. As the promotions involved a heavy handed one sided Social advertising campaigns slated as Denormalizing an industry the effect was more of a denormalizing of a significant proportion of our population. Increased hate and innuendos promoted by government and school systems playing the children against their own parents, despite the lack of credible science available. fears and suspicion where the order of the day.

Public Health made a huge victory this week, a milestone the day a Family Doctor announced on the largest media outlet in Canada “Second hand smoke is much more dangerous than smog” during the occurrence of a smog day in Toronto Canada of all places. The location in popular lore where promotions confirm in travel brochures a place surrounded by pristine lakes and wilderness. The idea this place could possibly see a smog day in February would be almost beyond comprehension a decade ago.

Indoor air is the battlefield yet the majority of Public health professionals decided our great outdoors are in need of protection as well. In considering the effects of indoor air we might be able to grasp the reality of outdoor air. In a smoky bar the highest concentrations of cigarette smoke at a level your eyes would burn and you would seek to open doors and ventilate the room is 250 Micrograms per cubic meter of air.

One microgram or millionth of a gram is one thousandth of a milligram or the weight of an amount of water one millionth of a meter cubed. Doctors prescribe medicine in milligrams or millionths of a gram a microgram is one thousand times smaller. One quarter of a milligram can cause us to be uncomfortable in a room the dangerous contents of that smoke are restricted to measurements in Nanograms and Pico grams thousandths and millionths of times smaller in quantity still. The idea someone could inhale an entire cubic meter in an hour is a gross exaggeration they promote. The maximum capacity of our lungs would prove the normal inhalation of an adult would be less than 2 cubic meters a day. Or a total of second hand smoke 375 micrograms per 8 hour day exposed. This is supporting an extreme danger in hospitality workers Health??? Consider this in the perhaps thousands of cubic meters inside a bar which dilutes second hand smoke along with air exchanges even at minimal levels promoted by the propaganda. How many cubic meters are existing out doors the source of indoor air. Although hundreds of cigarettes may be able to elevate the levels indoors to 250 micrograms per cubic meter of air how many would it take to raise the levels outdoors to sufficient levels which require a smog alert?

Real testing has demonstrated the reductions of particulate matter in outdoor air by as little as a single microgram could reduce mortality significantly 3% of total mortality at present, we are assured second hand smoke is much more dangerous in spite of common sense in observing reality. Public Health is adamant in it’s direction it will never encroach on the toes of it’s most generous benefactors or support any notion which suggests they could do us any harm. In considering historical free will decisions of millions who died in Death camps, where will we be marching next, in choices we make ourselves derived of free will?

Public health needs to be considered as organized crime and described in terms of who and not what, as a group among us who make the best use of coercive language in deceiving their victims. A pandemic or cancer which can be cured, by simply focusing the attention of the public on the fact they exist and how many suffer directly because of their actions.

A friend provided me with these links recently which demonstrate radical terrorists activities.

Criminals working within our communities a national security issue requiring immediate attention.

A long read, know the enemy;

google html version (faster download for us slow dial up sufferers)


google html of appendix

Fred Q


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