Health Canada a mess

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Anti smokers get the figurative finger

News Flash;

George Bush has requested funds from congress to replace the small arms of all soldiers in Iraq with Marlboro's. The joint chiefs agreed unanimously tobacco smoke was not listed as a chemical weapon so no international agreements would be breached. New battle formations will include sitting around a campfire smoking the peace pipe. The results would have insurgents falling over amass clutching their chests and dying of Heart attacks. Victory is absolutely assured The Surgeon General in an announcement yesterday confirmed the effects will be seen within minutes. The mass evacuation of innocent children has begun to avoid the devastating effects. They will be temporarily assigned to re education camps and taught the rules of Pseudo realities as guaranteed in the American constitution. Freedom to act as the rest of the freedom loving democracies in obedience of the morality laws of Rockefeller et al Johnson and Johnson and the Nazi, sorry, Health army of disciples. Bush has announced a press conference to announce; an early end to all hostilities in the middle east is finally within our grasp. Bush was recently accused of breaching International Law by a supreme court Justice.

America becomes a joke on the world stage.

In considering the recent disclosures of the Surgeon General of the United States of America one has to reflect upon what was disclosed. Although the news release and associated sound bites stated clearly the smoking debate is over. The incredible statement of how many non smokers deaths result from the toxic abilities of second hand smoke and primary smoking are revelations worthy of fears and immediate action.

Before we take the next step and the floggings start we have to consider the human test results observed in biological assay to date. The results of which have yet to be disclosed. Many believe human testing is not possible without breaching international law however the testing is already completed and showed no recorded harms which would be co-incidental with the surgeon generals statistical report findings.

The fanatical groups inspiring smoking bans internationally mention the nicotine stained fingers of smokers all the time, however fail to report the level of cancerous fingers of smokers being amputated as a result of the sedimentary buildup. A buildup consistent with or exceeding previous lab rat exposures, existing for many in time periods of decades with apparently little result.

The accumulations far exceed the levels we would expect to accumulate inside a non smokers lungs after all even sitting one foot away from a smoker for years in considering the air dilution principles at play could not exceed the level of exposure to a smokers fingers constantly bathed in the direct unfiltered smoke. If the calculated theory seems to indicate a harm exists we should see an unusually high incidence of cancerous smokers fingers, far more numerous than lung , liver or rectal cancers. More evident in fact than any smoking related site mentioned to date.

With more than 50% of the fingers expossed more than 50 years ago the 20-30 year time lag in cause and effect internationally recognized has been surpassed by more than 15 years. yet cancerous fingers remain an unusual observation.

In North America the baby boom generation presents a rare opportunity to tune into a research group defined and encapsulated as an ideal group to satisfy all statistical encumbrances. the observed reductions in use and exposure have failed to demonstrate an effect which was expected due to prior statistical theories. It appears those benifits will likely never be seen. The Baby boom research group defines significant and irrefutable proof, Cigarette smoke does not promote a significant increased risk of cancer by exposure alone.

We know smokers finger cancer is a rare occurrence which could not if cancer did exist at any level be separated from other confounder to any significant degree, unless of course the cancer was limited to the site most obviously and most significantly exposed; the fingers human habit define as the two we consistently hold a cigarette in. No such cluster condition has been reported to exist. The non existent epidemic of cancerous fingers can be placed right up there with a diagnosis of a smokers tumor which also never existed beyond media prose.

The research crowd incredibly missed this point along with the most intelligent leaders of science and medicine, alternately, they did not miss anything, and simply do not wish to discuss it, as the real observations discredit the numerous career building photo ops to date. In fact what we have been told for the past 45 years seems to have a slight imperfection in credibility.

As a theory; "smoking is a significant cause of cancers, primary or secondary",
I would suggest this claim is absolutely demonstrated in biological assay to be completely false.

Observational science is much more reliable in defining cause and effect. The environment ministries would have been much more able to monitor and define known safe levels than a dedicated anti smoking advocate who exceeds his own research findings in what he relays to the public.

The surgeon General has obviously soiled himself in front of an international audience even the media groups have fallen silent. No jubilation or dancing in the streets. No “I told you so” rhetoric just absolute silence.

Observation wise only shame and disassociation is seen in revealing a fanatic who finally went one step too far.

From a purely mechanical standpoint the observations of a smokers fingers reveals a few more real conclusions. Which would dispel previous urban myths so prevalent in the anti smoker diatribe. The color is the first obvious characteristic which could instill some reality into the situation. The color is not black as dissection of smokers lungs reveals. Anyone who has ever replaced an out door air conditioning filter will agree the color of that sediment is definitely not yellow either but coal black as a result of collection of the particulate matter in the air dissolute so often not considered in cigarette smoke statistical research.

The consistency of the sediment on those fingers would be in observational terms described as a glue. If the sediment is in fact a glue why do we not see proposals to test the effectiveness of dissolving that glue in reducing lung sediment contents which the lungs could in turn reduce with the dispelling of flem. If the glue were actually retaining cancerous agents from any source, reduction of effects would have to be inclusive of reduction of the sediment.

Bans and smoking reductions by force and coercion would not seem to be the most effective strategy in mortality reductions as legitimate research would seem to indicate, would be much more effective. Anti smoking advocates and their strategies are known to be extremely expensive, the solutions in taxation and created fears and hate are far more inclusive of sustaining the status quo. If the expense were studied the increased mortality due to increased poverty levels. Reduced personal economies would be inversely proportional to increased mortalities as a result. If mortality is the target biased anti smokers should be taken out of the effort as they do much more harm in consensus views and propaganda than real science and pro active attitudes would prove to be.

Tobacco Control is a harm and menace to society and should therefore be banned. Criminal investigations of coercion and dispensing harmful medical advice with no credentials needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I would suggest an example should be made of such individuals beginning with Political Generals and organizers who promote harmful junk science promoting the destruction of public peace

In summation and in response to a decades long monumental effort dedicated to the well being of others.

Anti smoker advocates I offer the ultimate in olive branch technologies. Today I present you with substantial proof in assessing the true hazard in the smoke you collectively fear. In honor of your efforts please accept the duality of this most appropriate gesture a symbol of truth in assessing your efforts and their long lasting effects in the future for us all.