Health Canada a mess

Monday, May 22, 2006

Freedom and Justice for all

Justice was done today in Canada. It began a few days ago with the public lauding of two broke back Mounties announcing their wedding plans. The politically correct media embraced the story announcing locals in New Brunswick were totally supportive the fellow police offered congratulations and all is well in the Liberal LAW LAW land, that is Canadian justice. A system which has always rewarded conviction rates over truth and Justice. In fact totally accepting of the term “Justice has nothing to do with the facts”. It takes us back to a commercial depicting a woman MP who fought to reform prisons eliminating torture of prisoners. The torture did not actually end it simply took another politically acceptable form. Guards who take no actions most finding it amusing in fact, while hearing the screams of prisoners every night. Just business and Canadian justice without which we would have no deterrents incarcerations need to be a place of punishments. The rapes are just part of what keeps us civil and fearing the law.

A system which finds it so excruciatingly difficult to arrest and convict politicians who steal hundreds of millions in public money, yet finds it so simple to incarcerate a hungry homeless man for stealing a candy bar. A system which embraces driving smokers into the streets to deal with West Nile laden mosquito’s where women who are told not to be alone in dimly lit streets at night, are now forced to do just that . A health minister who lauds his actions dealing with an addiction. “Quit or be punished” the political correct call to justice. One has to wonder when he was treated for another addiction if treatments included threats with a loaded gun. Political correctness which keeps our elected officials under the thumb of media groups, has a lot of inconsistent moralizations in fact the media tends to promote no morality at all.

Police in military style training can not accept less than total control standing while forcing a target to sit gives the feeling of command in the room. Two hands on a Billy club allows a threat without verbalizing the conditions. The uniform indicating a military force who are not to be messed with. Today as with the turban issue of the past and the carrying of ceremonial daggers in school yards a new nail was driven into the coffin of military boot stomping justice in Canada. We can hear the snickers already amongst those wrongfully convicted and raped while society cheered. The same phrase in every interrogation room in the country when a book is slammed on the table or an out of control interrogator looses control resorting to screaming at a prisoner or perhaps assisting a prisoner falling out of a chair while the videotape is accidentally turned off. Justice demands respect while attempting to extract evidence, any evidence which could promote the almighty conviction so Justice can be done. Canadians should bless the sacred union, tongue in cheek every one of us. The rest of the planet is watching the Canadian perspective with amusement, hoping they too will not be forced to bear our politically correct burden, pandering to all while respecting none.

Just a phrase which says it all Justice, a prisoners new defense allowing him to retain some small piece of dignity. Encompassed in a question for the tormentor;

“What are you so grumpy about, didn’t you get your man today?”